Weird Event

I had a stent put in at 38 yrs old. I honestly believe it was due to a blood pressure pill they put me on. But no way to prove it. I would do as Rosebud suggested. EKG are cheap. But I also noticed when they were reading my EKG. You need a Doc that knows what he is looking at. I heard 2 Docs I'm assuming at the time saying they didn't see nothing wrong. And then a Doc walked into the room. Looked at the EKG readout for a split second. And said there's the problem. I was in awe to say the least. Not sure if the first two looking at the EKG really were Docs or just practitioners.
Yes, I have a nuclear medicine stress test done every 10 years. Been good-to-go for 40 more years. Now, not only am I confident of my heart condition, I also don't need a flashlight because I glow in the dark.
You need to eat more and better while hunting i think. I've had similar things while riding dirt bikes, lack of energy. And while hunting a couple times got bad headache and felt sick, like a migraine. Eat better and get more rest. Don't push too hard, you're not old. Mom has told me i have a heart murmur from a young age, 65 now and still climbing ridges and hunting. I'm about your same size too, maybe 195 though. Maybe try meditating...
I had similar experiences in my late 20s in the high country of NV going after archery muleys. I was way out of shape during post-grad school. There is heat exhaustion before full on heat stroke and the effects of altitude sickness as well on top of that too. Felt just like you described. Had to lay down in the shade for a while after the morning hunt and wasn't good for much else that day.
Good thing you're getting a workup, as it could be a number of different things. Cardiac conditions have been mentioned and are worth ruling out. I used to see a number of firefighters who were working hard at fires and the exertion and dehydration unmask an underlying cardiac or other medical condition which then gets treated.
It does sound likely that you have suffered from heat illness. Once you have had it, you are more likely to get it again. Don't skimp on the water or the carbs and electrolytes. It can all add up in a hurry.
Also, I didn't see the elevation where you are hunting. Higher elevations, especially above 8000 feet, really accelerate dehydration which in turn can lead to altitude sickness. We used to tell the climbers on Mt Rainier to drink water until they had gin clear urine.
Apologies if this was covered already. Cramps = electrolytes. Headache = dehydration nausea and vomiting = temperature On a hot day with lots of exertion 3 liters isn't enough. Double it or bring a filter if there are water sources. The rest break is good anyway. You can always dump excess when you get close to camp. I carry a 3 liter bladder as well and have a separate Nalgene with electrolyte mix in it plus an empty Nalgene and filter here in AZ. Overkill? Oftentimes but 2is1…. As many have said, do get checked out though.
I am in my mid 30's, but still think I'm in my 20's so I haven't gone to the doctor for any type of checkup in over ten years.

I am in good shape overall though six foot 180 ish pounds and I run five days a week roughly 20 miles total. This year I ran two relay races with no symptoms showing.

I have always packed 3 liters of water in a bladder along with most of the guys I know not that this means anything, I purposely don't drink so much that I am constantly peeing clear but trying to drink enough to pee occasionally. Food is usually just some gummy bears, cliff bar probably don't eat enough when packed in but again this hasn't been a constant problem and inconsistent.

As far as getting sick from killing things it doesn't take affect until after I have cut the whole animal up so if that's what's going on it's a delayed reaction for sure.
Well, welcome to the club for getting a physical at least once a year and related follow up appts.
All good advice but also ask your Doc. about blood pressure meds if you are taking any. I had a simular problem and it was a BP med that I was taking that controlled the speed of the heart as well as the BP. It was not letting my heart speed up to what I needed at the time also heat made it worse! ( how warm that I felt& outdoor temps )