Weird Event

I had a stent put in at 38 yrs old. I honestly believe it was due to a blood pressure pill they put me on. But no way to prove it. I would do as Rosebud suggested. EKG are cheap. But I also noticed when they were reading my EKG. You need a Doc that knows what he is looking at. I heard 2 Docs I'm assuming at the time saying they didn't see nothing wrong. And then a Doc walked into the room. Looked at the EKG readout for a split second. And said there's the problem. I was in awe to say the least. Not sure if the first two looking at the EKG really were Docs or just practitioners.
Yes, I have a nuclear medicine stress test done every 10 years. Been good-to-go for 40 more years. Now, not only am I confident of my heart condition, I also don't need a flashlight because I glow in the dark.

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