Weatherby Vanguard S2 Review

Ok guys I have been thinking about putting up a post for awhile and am just getting around to it. A few months ago I was lucky enough to find a brand new Vanguard S2 in a 6.5 Creedmoor and walked out the door with it for $549.00. I then went ahead and topped it with a Vortex Viper HS 4-16 as well.

Now I have owned just about every brand of bolt action rifles there are from numerous rem 700's, Winchester 70's, Tikkas, Abolts, Cooper's and Savages but never an S2. I was never really impressed with the original Vanguards but I think they made great improvements with the new 2 stage trigger and also the new stock design so I figured why not give it a try.

So next I started to work up some loads using H4350 and 123gr Amax's and also 130gr Accubonds. To say I was really impressed with this rifle after my first range trip is an understatement! With virtually no effort in load development I am averaging .40" 3 shot groups at 100 yard with the amax's and with the accubonds it drops to around .3 and 200 yard groups that are at 1"! Hell my cooper phoenix I had in 260 rem wouldn't shoot this good and it cost me 4 times as much!

After such a good experience I deceided to go out and get a 223 rem in a S2 as well and topped it with a Elite 3200 5-15. I had a bunch of rounds loaded already with Varget and 55gr blitzkings that I figured I would try out of it to start. Yet again I was not dissappointed with the rifle averaging .3" groups at 100 and .75" groups at 200! I even had this rifle out groundhog hunting last week and was whacking them out to 350 yards like it was nothing.

I really wanted to write this post for any of you guys out there looking for a great rifle that isn't going to break the bank. A few years ago I used to be able to afford brand new coopers and nightforces, but since then came along a thing called marriage, kids and a mortgage. Weatherby you have now found a customer for life!
I also like how ergonomically and aesthetically pleasing they are, at least to my taste. I like their appearance and they just feel solid if that makes sense. I like the extra weight over many other sporters. Maybe when I'm old I won't but at present the weight doesn't bother me in the slightest, I prefer it. I struggle to shoot lightweights accurately at all, not because of recoil but because for whatever reason I've often got naturally shaky hands - the weight and solid, almost insulated/absorbent feel of the vanguard stocks compared to the light and hollow feeling/sounding synthetics on many rifles dampens both recoil but more importantly my jitters (some people get shaky from too much coffee - I find ironically i sometimes get a good bit steadier after a few cups)
Old thread, I just bought one in 6.5 PRC. I am concerned about the solid bedding, especially when using a bipod, we shall see, that is if I ever get brass!!
Not sure what the issue was with your Gen 1's, but I have 2 of them(257Wby,270WSM) and they're superbly accurate, well built and actions are buttery smooth. Much better than the entry level junk Remington, Savage, etc, offer. The plastic stock is a little , but what do you expect at that price point. Everybody complains about the triggers on the Gen
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