Weatherby guarantees 1&1/2 MOA with there Accumark to start with.
I am a big Remingtion fan but they dont make any such claims nether
does Win,sako,browning,Savage or any other that I know of using there
factory ammunition.
If you buy one that does'nt shoot 1&1/2 MOA you can send it back.
But the weatherby guy's will all tell you that the best way to make any
Mark 5 shoot is to adjust the tip pressure.
If you free float the small tapered barrels they may not shoot as well as
before.(this is what weatherby does if you send it back.
The weatherby action is very well made , strong and requires very little
blue printing compaired to most other actions.
As far as freebore if the action is well fit to the barrel and headspace
is held to a minimun .001" accurace doesent suffer.
I like to use the Remingtion action for all of the standard mag (.534 bolt
face or smaller) and the Weatherby Mark 5 for cartridges with case heads
around .600"or larger.
Also the Mark 5 mag well is .100" longer , A plus for big bullets.