Vintage hunting photos

That reminds me of my first fall in Kemmerer, Wy.

Hanging in a large Cottonwood in someone's yard was a moose and a couple of elk, can't remember if there were any deer! I wish that I'd taken a photo!

I had only been in Wyoming about 4 or 5 weeks…..that scene was my Welcome To Wyoming! 🙂 memtb
I came across this on YouTube and figured I'd share. Some pretty interesting pics. What surprises me the most is the size of some of the deer.

We had a hunt club on the PA NY line. Would had deer hung 10-12 in a row off of a telephone stand.. That was 25 years ago.
5 years ago we were lucky to hang 3.
Great POST!!!
Thanks for sharing!
OK, realized I had a stash of these and looking through them so cool. I thought I recognized @skipglo and @WYO300RUM in couple of them.......

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