I don't believe torque.....not at all...
If you had been shooting anything close to what I used to do(thousands).....then you should not have had the problem of pulling that string back to full obviously that leads to a completely different scenario....
those cams were/had interference.. or the bushing were frozen..cause there is not enough space for debris to get into those bushings..... really doesn't matter..because it happened and it'd all in hindsight.....
I don't believe torque.....not at all...
If you had been shooting anything close to what I used to do(thousands).....then you should not have had the problem of pulling that string back to full obviously that leads to a completely different scenario....
those cams were/had interference.. or the bushing were frozen..cause there is not enough space for debris to get into those bushings..... really doesn't matter..because it happened and it'd all in hindsight.....
All in all it sucked. I shoot plenty of 3d shoots a year with 70lbs.
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