Video: 5 year old shooting a 6.5SS with a Ti Pro Brake

My number1 friend and hunting buddy has two granddaughters that started shooting at what some would call a very young age. They are eleven and twelve now and crack shots. Twelve year old has taken several deer and Turkey. Younger one is more interested in what would be considered girl stuff, doesn't want to kill stuff. But she can still out shoot most of the boy cousins.
J first rifle.jpg

I am fortunate enough to have a wife that knew since day one, that our children would be born with a gun in their hands.

I have 3 wonderful, fairly gifted riflemen that have never lost their love of spending time behind a trigger.

Blessed beyond measure, I am.
I love it!!!! Raised four daughters who can do it ALL on their own. From pre hunt to hunt to packaging and putting it in the freezer. Skinning gutting deboning they are very proficient. I just wish they hadn't grown up so fast.
What a great video. My sons 4 and my wife imposed a random rule that he has to be 7 before he can start shooting.
A lot of my wife's family bagged their first deer at 4. We joke that they are the reason for the implementation of the 6 yr old rule in MO. All of my daughters, 4 of them, and my two sons shot their first deer at 6 to 9.
My advice, for what its worth. If your going to teach a youngling to shoot make sure they don't get smacked in the face while shooting. The break on that 6.5SS is a marvel. If it hurts them or scares them you're in trouble right away. Don't make it stressful or expect great results immediately. Its got to be fun and short lived. Make them want to shoot again. Shoot at something that is reactive. Eggs or old fruits. Something they can see go away. Not just a hole in a piece of the results to others and add tons of praise. Watermelon makes a great target. And you can eat what isn't blown up.
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