160 yrds longrange? How about for a 5 year old?

Congratulations to your son and you Dad. The video was cool, and the stills are priceless. I hope there will be more of these to come from you and your son. I have a 5 year old grandson that will be 6 in March that lives with me. After the turn of the year I'm gonna start working with him on shooting and hunting.
outstanding shooting, it is these moments in our lives and our kids that develop who we become.
That's awesome! Thanks for posting it.

I started my daughter shooting when she was 5, people looked at me like I was crazy when I told them that, I don't think so.

That's because with urbanization and suburbanization we have moved away from being a "gun culture".

I don't think there was a boy in my first grade class that had not already been taught to shoot by the end of that year and probably half the girls as well. By the time we were in Jr. High most of us had our own guns and would go hunting before and/or after school.

It was just part of growing up.

I too was drawn to the part where Corbin ponders over the deer. Seemed to me he was experiencing appreciation for the creation he just harvested.

Good marks to ya!

An "what Broz" said on bullet performance. If that would have been a 130 Sierra BT in 277 @ that distance the front half of that deer would have been wasted.

The secret seems to be the short distance to expand then major expansion. You lost hardly no meat.:)
Its fun working with my boy. He shoots his 22 chipmunk fairly frequently. But always packing his red rider. He does really well for a child. When he's shooting the 22-250, its off the bench. Which makes it fairly easy to shoot decent. But the red rider and 22 is off hand or whatever rest he can find. He killed his first deer last year with the 22-250 (a doe). And got his first 2 squirrels this year.
Hunting has been my life. It's probably kept me out of trouble lots of times. I'd rather went hunting as to go party or anything for that matter. It gave me a reason to find a good job. So I can afford to travel hunting and participate in these expensive hobbies.
Overall, I can honestly say hunting has made me the person I am today. And that's why I want my son to follow as close in my footsteps as possible.
Its fun working with my boy. He shoots his 22 chipmunk fairly frequently. But always packing his red rider. He does really well for a child. When he's shooting the 22-250, its off the bench. Which makes it fairly easy to shoot decent. But the red rider and 22 is off hand or whatever rest he can find. He killed his first deer last year with the 22-250 (a doe). And got his first 2 squirrels this year.
Hunting has been my life. It's probably kept me out of trouble lots of times. I'd rather went hunting as to go party or anything for that matter. It gave me a reason to find a good job. So I can afford to travel hunting and participate in these expensive hobbies.
Overall, I can honestly say hunting has made me the person I am today. And that's why I want my son to follow as close in my footsteps as possible.
You are without a doubt correct. It will also instill in him a connection between man and nature rather than seeing man as separate and apart from nature. I wrong a paper on that in college and it was well received. Farmers, ranchers, foresters, fisherman etc are connected to nature and with so much of our society now being urbanized they do not understand that connection.
That is awesome. Great to get the kids out and into the field. I would have to agree you only have a small chunk of the core or something exit. That bullet came apart, as in how the bullet was described to expand. Not implying it failed in any way.
You are without a doubt correct. It will also instill in him a connection between man and nature rather than seeing man as separate and apart from nature. I wrong a paper on that in college and it was well received. Farmers, ranchers, foresters, fisherman etc are connected to nature and with so much of our society now being urbanized they do not understand that connection.
Correction, "I wrote a paper...".
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