vectronix rangefinder Terrapin

Jerry Cunningham

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
Coram, Mt
I just wanted to share with other shooters. I bought a Terrapin and used it for the first time. This unit went over 3000 yards a number of times. I have owned Leica and Swaro and the Terrapin just blew the others out of the water. I have no connection with Vectronix. This unit costs about 2000-2100.00 dollars. Best money I ever spent.
I will most likely be purchasing one of these units in the next month.
I'm thinking it will be a good match for my 338 Allen Mag that will
arrive in a few days.

Glad ya like it.
That's good to know. My swaro is great for its purpose, but
it has no part in the ELR game.
Ive been impatiently waiting, thinking this years model may have a angle finder or some small improvement
Angle compensation would be nice, but I think you might be waiting awhile.
They already have angle comp in thier higher end models right? They can't move all the features from the "expensive" one to the "CHEAP" ones. It pains me a little to call the 2 kilobuck model a cheap one!
Mine works fine also if it has a big object to reflect off of like a big tree or rock etc.......but in the sage brush around McFadden Wyoming it sucks. My guide had a pair of Swarovski Binocular Range Finders that worked alot better
Boy, that's surprising. The beam on the Swaro is much larger than the Terrapin. I will doing some testing over the next week or so and I will post my results.
Boy, that's surprising. The beam on the Swaro is much larger than the Terrapin. I will doing some testing over the next week or so and I will post my results.

I am also surprised and suspect better results could be had with a solid rest. The smaller beamed unit require it and will indeed range what you are intending to range. The larger beam unit will give you the blanket effect and who knows what they are truly ranging. Doug try getting her on a solid rest and see if it helps.

Here was what I did today. I was on level ground. The sky was overcast and the time was mid-day. I saw some does on snow covered ground. Behind the does was a treeline. The treeline was 1300+. I could easily range the does at 600+ . I could go from doe to doe and get the same readings. I am sure this rangefinder has limitations but it sure worked today.
Later on mountain ground I could easily hit 2400+. I hit targets that I had formerly could not hit with my Swaro. I just wanted to share my experiences. I am certainly not selling rangefinders. So far, I have been happy. By the way, the beam is much smaller than the Swaro. I could thread it through small gaps between distant trees. Good luck to all.
Thanks for the info, im going to order a Tri pod for it today........ but thats the only trouble I had was when i was in Wyoming trying to range Prong Horns
I am also surprised and suspect better results could be had with a solid rest. The smaller beamed unit require it and will indeed range what you are intending to range. The larger beam unit will give you the blanket effect and who knows what they are truly ranging. Doug try getting her on a solid rest and see if it helps.


I had my Terrapin on a Manfrotto tripod with a Manfrotto pistol grip and was achieving ranges of 4700 yards. Ideal conditions just at dusk. Took a hasty pic when I hit 3801 yards, but forgot to take one at 4700. The key is the solid rest like Broz suggests...


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