3000 yards, Cool. But I do wonder, of what value is a 3K yard reading? I was ranging rocks today out to a couple yards short of a mile with my G7 BR2. The ballistic solutions this unit gives have been spot on out to the 1156 yards I have taken marmots at so far this year. These quick solutions are far more useful to me than a yardage capability I won't use, then measuring and entering yardage and atmospheric data into a computer.
Okay, Okay, so the G7 only gives solutions out to 1400 yards. When I start to shoot beyond that distance I'll have to start carrying the small computer, but at least all my atmospheric information will still be read by the rangefinder.
Not intending to **** in your Wheaties, I just find the features of the G7 to offer much greater speed than when I was doing it the old way.