Using powdered graphite on case necks

david g ranes

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2009
For those of you that graphite's the necks of your cases walk me through the way you do it I want to try it but never have do you put it on after resized or before you resize wipe a little on or dip it. Thanks. David
You can get powdered graphite in a small bottle with tiny ceramic applicator beads in it. Simply shake up tbe bottle/jar to mix the graphite/beads, unscrew the cap and insert the case neck into the jar. Swirl the brass around lightly, tap it on the jar and put your brass in the loading block.
I do this before using my mandrel to uniform necks and then load powder and bullets.
You can get the graphite from Midway or others. It's called Imperial Dry Neck Lube and it's a Redding product.
You can get powdered graphite in a small bottle with tiny ceramic applicator beads in it. Simply shake up tbe bottle/jar to mix the graphite/beads, unscrew the cap and insert the case neck into the jar. Swirl the brass around lightly, tap it on the jar and put your brass in the loading block.
I do this before using my mandrel to uniform necks and then load powder and bullets.
You can get the graphite from Midway or others. It's called Imperial Dry Neck Lube and it's a Redding product.
So you already resized your brass before using it and then set your neck tension with it on the case. David
you can get powdered graphite at any auto parts store. I put it in an old berger bullet box and use a Q-tip dip and apply in neck
you can get powdered graphite at any auto parts store. I put it in an old berger bullet box and use a Q-tip dip and apply in neck
But it is after you have resized the case i trued it before I resized thought it might lubricate enough but didn't work very good for me. David
I use a brass brush to clean inside case necks then dip case necks in lead shot dosed with graphite. I used #8 lead shot to fill a little pill bottle and use a tube of graphite I've had around for years. My process is clean necks inside and out, anneal, graphite necks, lube case and size. With a good set of dies I can't feel the sizing button going thru the neck.
I use a mandrel after sizing. I remove my expanders on all my dies. I size first like normal, wipe off case lube, apply graphite inside the necks and run in the mandrel as a seperate operation for better neck consistency. you can do it at the same time as you size your case just lube case and apply graphite in neck before sizing. just remember you will have to clean your expander in your die ever so often
That is the answers I was looking for thank you only tried it once so far didn't know if it lubed good enough to use for resizing. David
I use a mandrel after sizing. I remove my expanders on all my dies. I size first like normal, wipe off case lube, apply graphite inside the necks and run in the mandrel as a seperate operation for better neck consistency. you can do it at the same time as you size your case just lube case and apply graphite in neck before sizing. just remember you will have to clean your expander in your die ever so often
This is my process as well, using a qtip to get the inside of the necks. I size down .003 and expand to .002, annealing every firing right after cleaning.
I've been using the powdered graphite to lube the inside of the case necks before loading for the last 6yrs.So far I have had zero issues.I use a clean bore mop as my applicator.
I have the ceramic balls dosed with graphite, works well, but I hate having black case necks on the outside of the now I dip a nylon brush that is cal specific in the graphite and brush the inside of the necks prior to sizing and prior to using the mandrel.
I get zero bullet weld doing this.
This helps with smooth and uniform neck tension and can lower ES/SD numbers on tuned loads if you test with/without graphite being present.
This is a process I do on ALL of my brass, even my 44 mag lever ammo. (No mandrel work though. Lol.)

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