Dented case necks

Good advice, but unfortunately Lapua does not make all cartridges/calibers and we are stuck with what ever we can find. In this instance, case prep is not only recommended but in some cases required.

I am not surprised that some brass is of poor quality because of current demands for component's.

So buy what you can and prep all of it, keep the good and through away the bad and use it. if proper prep and case matching is done there should no loss in accuracy. (Just case life with the softer brass).

Lapua is increasing there inventory and making more different cartridges so hopefully in the near future they will make most all of the popular cartridges, but until then you just have to do what you can to keep shooting.

I use lots of Norma brass and find it very soft but high quality. It is costly for the case life I get, so
I don't buy much any more if I can get Lapua or the much cheaper domestic brass.

These are hard times for the re loader, and we just have to make the best of it.

Like most of you on here, I use Lapua when I can.

But thought I would add that I've had good luck with Prvi brass vs other domestic manufacturers. It's inexpensive and usually it's available. And I believe it comes annealed already.

Prvi is not Lapua quality. But it seems to me it has been better than Winchester/Remington/Federal quality. But maybe I've just been lucky.
Like most of you on here, I use Lapua when I can.

But thought I would add that I've had good luck with Prvi brass vs other domestic manufacturers. It's inexpensive and usually it's available. And I believe it comes annealed already.

Prvi is not Lapua quality. But it seems to me it has been better than Winchester/Remington/Federal quality. But maybe I've just been lucky.


I use a lot of priv and find it to be good brass. And yes, it is annealed. there ammo is for the most part very accurate in the cartridges I use it in.

I've used the Prvi in a couple of cartridges to generally, good effect. The one that gave me problems was on the 7mm-08 where 39 of the 100 cases had primer pockets that were somewhere between small rifle primer size and large rifle primer size.
Those got dumped in the recycle bucket.
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