Uk hunt swap


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
North yorkshire England UK
I live in Uk(England) North Yorkshire if you want to google earth me.
Please email or Pm with your offer.
I would like to Hunt White Tail (either bucks or does) and Prarie Dogs.
also i would like to try calling coyotie.

What have I got?
about 10,000 acres of hunting in Scotland about 4 hours from my address this is for Roe deer and Red fox they say that there are Red deer on the groung but I have only seen droppings.

about 4,000 acres in Leicestershire about 2 hours from my address this is for Muntjac deer/Roe deer(very few of these) and Red fox I lamp these at night useing my Polaris quad(made over your way!)
Chance or hunting with our local Hunt (on horseback)
I am planning to open Bed & breakfast in the new year, so putting you up would not be a problem.

I use:-
.22 rimfire Ruger 1022 Stainless T,
.17HMR Anschult 1417 screwcut
22-250 Ruger M77,
25-06 Tika Stainless-snth
300WSM Browning Abolt stainless Snth
and few Air Rifles for smaller game and when I shoot close to farms.

Email me please or Pm this will take some planning!

Thanks for looking


I'm not actually looking to hunt the U.K. but instead inquiring about swapping a hunt over here for lodging at your bed and breakfast in the future.

I'm located in Hebron, North Dakota. We have 440 acres which isn't much but its in a great area 16 miles south of Richardton, North Dakota just to the south of the Heart River. Every year we harvest great deer, last year I shot a 169" whitetail with my bow. This year we shot two 5x5 whitetails one scoring 141" the other 130" with our rifles, others we've shot have scored 142" 154". We also have mule deer, over the last five years these are the gross scores 186", 153", 165", 167" .
Coyotes are plentyful, pheasants and grouse are down from 08-09 winter. Prairie dogs are accessible on public lands about 70 miles to the west in the badlands around Medora, North Dakota. There is also access to thousands and thousands of acres of public land near and around where I am located so finding deer is easy.
My method of hunting consists of sitting in blinds over food plots or bait(baiting is legal in ND), spot and stalk, tree stands, covering ground in a 4x4 using good optics to locate trophy deer. We hunt open country in our area, long shots are a norm, there are trees and creeks so the area isn't all flat prairie it is somewhat broken up. The western part of the state is pretty rough I'm sure if you google Medora,ND, North Dakota Badlands or Theodore Roosevelt National Park the pictures should tell all.

If any of this sounds good Email me at [email protected] or respond to this post.
My wife and I would like to travel to Europe somtime in the future, she's been there already and would like to go back. A place to stay would be great.


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