Trying to Find/Choose the Right Caliber for Me

Good Morning!
I will try and make this short, as I know that their are a lot of threads regarding this and probably some pretty good answers to those questions. But anyway, I shoot left handed so my options are more limited & I am looking at getting a Weatherby Mark V as my kind of "do it all" rifle for out west hunting. I am a huge 7mm Rem Mag guy, so based off of that and that Weatherby does not have any rifles in 7mm Rem Mag in left hand. And after some research, I have narrowed my two choices to 7mm PRC or .270 Weatherby Mag. I haven't ever shot either caliber before. I have a family member who has shot and hunted with a .270 wby mag for years & years and just loves the caliber. I have shot a .300 PRC and 6.5 PRC, so I am somewhat familiar with PRCs. I would prefer to go with the .270 wby mag to be honest, but the only thing holding me back is that how expensive and hard to find the ammo is for that caliber and I don't reload. 7mm prc is less expensive and easier to find. Also, I was somewhat concerned about "barrel life" and how much difference in that is there between the .270 wby mag and 7mm prc. I am probably over thinking it by this point, but I have a hunt in October, and need to make a decision soon and I just want to make the correct one since this is the rifle I will probably be sticking with for years and hunts to come.

All info and wisdom is greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much!!
The 270 Weatherby is all you will ever need. I bought my first one over forty years ago and she's on her third barrel. Hundreds of deer and more elk than I will mention along with few exotics have stood no chance. Ive ran the gauntlet of bullets over the years and the 117 Hammer Hunters are something to behold from deer to elk.
7 Mag Tikka's are very, very accurate rifles. Remember these are lightweight rifles, thus recoil is substantial, consider a muzzle break.

The 257 Weatherby's and 300 Weatherby were very easy to work up loads for. A 270 Weatherby drove me crazy. The 257 Weatherby is a wet dream come true.