True story

It seems that a guy with ugly daughters would have it easy. I was cursed with four attractive daughters, but learned the game early. Would not change it for the world.
Three daughters, all "lookers" and had boys marking every tree in the yard....still, wouldn't change a thing about my girls.....
all my kids are real young right now…3 boys and a girls, the girl is the youngest and already has those boys completely at her beck and call haha! While my wife and I will protect all of them obviously, it may not be either of us that any potential troublemakers will have to worry about. Her brothers already know you can't play rough with her like they can with each other (and they brawl like maniacs with each other already), and they always make sure the other kids are treating her right when we're out at the park or wherever. In the future if anyone has anything improper on their mind they'll be liable to get the 💩 kicked out of them by her three guardian angels/big bros. Wouldn't have it otherwise.
all my kids are real young right now…3 boys and a girls, the girl is the youngest and already has those boys completely at her beck and call haha! While my wife and I will protect all of them obviously, it may not be either of us that any potential troublemakers will have to worry about. Her brothers already know you can't play rough with her like they can with each other (and they brawl like maniacs with each other already), and they always make sure the other kids are treating her right when we're out at the park or wherever. In the future if anyone has anything improper on their mind they'll be liable to get the 💩 kicked out of them by her three guardian angels/big bros. Wouldn't have it otherwise.
Her twin brother (still older by 2 hours haha) is an absolute cement truck of a kid and I swear he doesn't feel feel pain or run out of energy like a normal person…if this continues no question gonna be somebody you wouldn't want after you when he's older. He of course torments her relentlessly but if anyone else does…watch out!