
Guy M

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2007
Chelan Co, Washington
Neck injury and subsequent surgery has made prone nearly impossible, for me. With three vertebrae fused, the ol' neck simply won't bend enough to allow prone position.

I'm doing "okay" from sitting, using either shooting sticks or a tall Harris bipod, but am considering going to a tripod to support the rifle and give me the level of accuracy I used to achieve when shooting prone.


Thanks, Guy
Neck injury and subsequent surgery has made prone nearly impossible, for me. With three vertebrae fused, the ol' neck simply won't bend enough to allow prone position.

I'm doing "okay" from sitting, using either shooting sticks or a tall Harris bipod, but am considering going to a tripod to support the rifle and give me the level of accuracy I used to achieve when shooting prone.

Recommendations Thanks, Guy
Primos trigger stick's the Jim Shockey edition
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Good luck. I have played around with quite a few different high end tripod setups and IMO none have been as good as prone. I am not saying they dont work, but in order to get even close to prone I had to be in the 6lb plus setup and I am not willing to pack that much extra weight.
I bought a Primos tall trigger stick last summer. Used it 10-12 times and was satisfied in all regards. I like the quick adjustment for shooting height or uneven ground as well as the ability to switch out the yoke for a crossbow or camera.
Guy, been shooting off tripod for many years. Uneven ground and brush in areas I hunt prevent use of the bipod. I've learned I tend to hit low with the tripod and adjust for it. Killed animals standing, kneeling and sitting. A friend is getting a few vertebrate fused next month.
We use hog saddle product's, and have had good luck with them. IMO, using a tripod is only as goos as the sling you use with it. The enhanced ss loophole sling on hog saddles webpage has some decent picture's.
Neck injury and subsequent surgery has made prone nearly impossible, for me. With three vertebrae fused, the ol' neck simply won't bend enough to allow prone position.

I'm doing "okay" from sitting, using either shooting sticks or a tall Harris bipod, but am considering going to a tripod to support the rifle and give me the level of accuracy I used to achieve when shooting prone.


Thanks, Guy
I use RRS with this head


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The RRS holds my 22 1/2 lb AI with no trouble at all and hunting I just add a small bracket to the bottom of my stock for the head above
My friend uses a carbon tripod that has at least a 20 pound rating, along with a pig saddle. The other half of the equation is getting something to rest your trigger arm on. He uses a sports bag filled with bubble wrap under the elbow. The stability this last step makes is night and day.
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