I am a believer of having sufficient over-travel in my triggers. IMO, the style of shooting and accuracy requirement plays a role in whether over-travel effects the results. If you are shooting +15#, light caliber(recoiling) rifles, and a free recoil style which is typical in the bench rest sports, and, has recently become the prevailing style with the PRS shooters, the degree of overtravel may not have a high degree of influence on precision. This may be even more so with the less stringent accuracy requirements with the PRS game. Lighten the rifle, increase recoil, and shoot with a hard hold, you are more likely to see the effects of insufficient over-travel. Many years ago shooting factory class Egg Shoots with a 308 with lighter rifles(<12 pounds), aftermarket stocks and triggers were the only modifications allowed, most of us used Jewel triggers which allow the full adjustment range of over-travel. Myself along with several other shooters in the same class found that dialing in sufficient over-travel with our Jewels did make a material difference in precision/control of flyers when pre-bullet exit barrel movement and and a hard hold was required, as was the case with lighter 308's. However, this admittingly continues to be a highly debated subject amongst shooters.....