I don't see any aftermarket Trigger modifications. A GS can change out the main spring and also do some grinding polishing on the sear, but then it is a big LIABILITY for the GS. Most revolvers need to have the springs changed and also the sear ground & polished. The same for Winchester Model 70s and Lever Rifles. I did these modifications years ago mainly for personal firearms and for family & very close friends.
In todays Litigious society I will not modify any triggers.
The Winchester M88, like the BLR has a 'Traveling Trigger' generally thought to be 'horrible' and also is a PIA to work on.
Our family's M88 in 308's trigger has been reworked decades ago, and is so light that it's nickname is 'Killer'. It is my favorite hunting rifle. Its light, fast and extremely accurate, with a trigger so light your intention seems enough to trip it.
That rifle is like having having a highly trained protection/attack dog that you have to always be on guard with, lest it kill without command. Not quite as bad as a Sig, but it has caught folks unprepared several times. The M88s are known for their kick if you're ready for it, they'll give a you lesson if you aren't.
If you are going to lighten it up be careful and don't take it very far very fast. I like a light trigger,, but to me consistency is worth lot. 2.5 lbs doesn't seem like you have to far to go, so I'd definitely be cautious.