TRG-S questions


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2019
Hello Gentlemen
Saw a lot of older posts on this subject. Just wanting to see if there are any new options for bottom metal for Sako 995 rifles ? Have been in contact with Mr. Russo about a stock. Would really prefer a BDL style bottom metal. Has anyone retrofited another manufacturers bottom metal or had a custom made ?
I did a stock and bottom metal on mine about 5-6 years ago. At the time, the only option i could find was Mcmillan which offered the bottom metal & trigger guard for their stock. Unfortunately i believe they do not inlet for the M995 anymore but i'm not 100% about that. It is however, a fantastic upgrade for the garbage stock that comes on those rifles.
I stumbled across this on Ebay, thought it may be of interest to you.

In '14 I ordered a Game Scout from McM, it was custom but they did the inlet. I just used their bottom metal, but I had a trg 42 mag converted to work with the rifle also. I was a bit ticked bc I ordered edge and they sent heavy bc of the caliber I spec'ed. Then when I sent it to the gunsmith, he said I should have ordered with no inlet and not spec'ed a caliber and he would have inlet it. I used crescent customs.
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