Wife made a jaunt yesterday and came back telling me about a garage sale with just a TON of outdoor stuff for sale and, it happened to only be a couple miles away. I grabbed my wallet and before I could drive myself, she offered to take me.
Long story shorter, the lady had lost her husband two years ago and finally got around to have a sale. When the wife said, "a ton", she meant it! The guy sure had a bunch. I picked up a couple items and while talking with the lady, I mentioned that I shot a lot of muzzleloader rounds. Well it just so happened that although she didn't have them out, she said she was selling two muzzleloaders.
One was a .50 T/C Hawkens and the other a .54 T/C Hawkens. Looking them over, I was a little concerned about the barrels and almost passed on them. We talked price and she sold them BOTH for $150.00. I asked her if she had any children or grandkids that would want them and she told me they didn't hunt or shoot. The outsides looked in great condition so I picked them up.
The .50 cleaned up great and no pitting. However he'd stuffed them full of bore butter and I spend 3 hours getting that caked and hardened stuff out. Other than a very slight mark on the wood, its a great rifle. Now the .54 cleaned up harder and I think there's a little pitting in the barrel at the breech. Its quite obvious that he used the .54 more than the .50, with a few more marks on the wood. All in all, I think I made a great find. Now the .50 I'm going to keep, on the other hand the .54 I think I'm going to put up for sale.
Anybody have a clue what these rifles would go for?