To crimp or not to crimp?

Thanks All

Most of this thread has been informitive.

I'm just getting geared up to start reloading again after about 20 years of not, cause I wanna come here and play with the big kids.

I have one question from this tread, what is a LFCD?

Thanks to all, really!
I love this sight.

Thanks for the chat man it was very informative.It got me thinking about alot of things i haven't before.

I will try the neck sizing to see if it will help with the case head seperation first and then go from there.

this is an old thread but i finaly got all my testng done.

first i started with 100 new shells.shot them once to get a good fit to my advised by (jwp475) The keep streching down.

I have now loaded my 1st load of 75 gr of H4831sc and and off the the range.I shoot great my POI came back up and I had no case problems at all.
took the case neck sized them and not a single case had to be trimed or had and show of wear.
Brass was on second load

reloaded all 100 went back to the range same load and all shoot same POI.

I have done this now 8 times very little casetrimming as of yet and NO seperation problems at all.THANKS JW for guiding a newbe thru the stages of what i needed to do.

Now I have loads worked up for 180sst and 200tsx both load have the same POI with now brass wear as of yet.

crimping test i have done has don'e nothing but move my POI to the right about 1 inch and made my brass wearout sooner.

so in all after i (fire form)the barss to my chamber i can get 10+ shoots out of my brass maybe more just as far as i have made it

Crimping. the 20 shells i have crimped has done nothing but waste my brass.Out of the 20 i started with i'm now down to 6 shells after 5 loads and no improvement on POI fps or anything .

Glad to sse that you were able to work out your problems....
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