Tips for a new handgun hunter you wish someone would have shared with you.

1. Don't shoot that 44 Mag without lots of ear protection. Most hunters use rifle ear protection while practicing on the range, but don't use protection while hunting. Don't do that with a 44 Mag. Use electronic ear protection.

2. I like a cross-draw belt holster or a chest holster for hunting. Wear it outside your parka, not under your clothes. These 2 holster options require less movement and are easier to draw in a tree stand.

3. Use a rest. Carry a long bi-pod if stalking, use a tree, etc. Don't try to shoot off-hand.

4. Sights are whatever you prefer, scopes, open/iron, reddot, doesn't really matter unless you plan to take 100-200 yard shots, then I'd use a scope.

5. Buy a pistol with a good trigger with no creep. If you think rifles can be pulled left or right from bad trigger control (ratchety, heavy, creep), multiple that times 10 with a pistol.
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Strat with a red dot sight or low power scope like a 2x. The lower magnification will make target seem steadier. As you get used to shooting the gun you may want more magnification.