Timed brakes?


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2011
Burgettstown, Pa
Curious to learn, Ive seen this mentioned a number of times throughout the threads. What exactly is a "timed brake"? Sorry if its a dumb question but this dummy wants to know,lol
Brake timing has to do with the orientation of the ports on a brake (think looking down the bore from the muzzle end, you would typically want the largest ports at 3 and 9 o'clock). In order to achieve this, material is taken off the rear of the brake so that it can be threaded on flush with the barrel. When tightened all the way down, the ports are properly oriented to not excavate the ground below your muzzle, and there is no need for washers/spacers etc which you might see on AR-15.
Brake timing has to do with the orientation of the ports on a brake (think looking down the bore from the muzzle end, you would typically want the largest ports at 3 and 9 o'clock). In order to achieve this, material is taken off the rear of the brake so that it can be threaded on flush with the barrel. When tightened all the way down, the ports are properly oriented to not excavate the ground below your muzzle, and there is no need for washers/spacers etc which you might see on AR-15.
So timing is actually an orientation of the ports?
Yes, if you take a side port brake and thread it onto your muzzle it's probably not going to stop against the shoulder perfectly sideways. this will make your rifle recoil unevenly.
I will add that it is not/less necessary with something like a helical brake that has symmetrical porting around its entire circumference.
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