Tikka T-3 into a 7 wsm or 7 saum

So I realize that this is an old thread, but I wanted to comment because this thread helped me make an excellent decision to rebarrel my Tikka T3 Lite from a 300wsm to a 7saum. I could not be happier with my rebarrel. I put a 23" Brux stainless match #3 contour with a Vais muzzle brake on it. It kicks substantially less than my 7mm-08 and shot sub moa before I even started my load development. It has a .09" freebore, so I can load my bullets out longer than a short action magazine will allow. But all Tikka T3s are built on long action receivers, so I exchanged the short action bolt stop to the long action bolt stop. Now I can load a 180 grain Berger Hunting VLD out to 3" or more. You can't do that with other guns, so the Tikka is the perfect poor man's platform. Now that Norma and Nosler are making 7saum brass, the choice over a 7wsm is easy. For those thinking about the conversation, I highly recommend it.

Where did you you get the modified bolt stop and what kind of mag are you using with the longer rounds?
I scored the long bolt stop on eBay after watching for one for months. I think Brownells is about to have some in stock though. I began by filing down the short action bolt stop, but did not like the way it finished out. I modified the short magnum magazines by cutting out the back stop. I have tried long action magazines also. Both work fine.
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