Tikka 308 help!


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2017
Hello all. As many of you have, I have hard nut to crack on getting my tikka .308 22" barrel to tighten up into a respectable group. Have tried all the traditional powders. Varget, Re15, BLC-2, and CFE 223. Used 165 Nosler Accubonds and Beger 168 classic hunters. Have done powder charge workups and bullet seating tests, starting from lands to 120 thousands off. The ONLY thing that has showed promise was 45.5 grains on CFE223 at 10 thousands off the lands. Tried seating it deeper incrementally and groups opened up. All I read is that the 308 shoots "lights out" with Varget and Re15. Not mine!! Any thoughts?? Thx in advance. Pete
Sounds like you have indeed done a lot of homework trying to get your Tikka to shoot. I hate to ask the obvious, but have you checked the torques on the scope rings and bases and made sure all is good to go there? Action screws torqued to spec? How far were the jumps in powder charges, on a 308 I like to go in .3 grain increments. What is the twist rate of your barrel? Another good powder for the .308 in that bullet range is IMR4064. Good luck going forward.
Not to sure the issue that's going on with your 308, but last year I took my dads Tikka T3 in 308 out to find a good non-lead round for it. I ended up buying the bolt stop to make it a long action. I had to seat the bullet out too far for it to be a s/a to get the accuracy I was looking for. I was able to get it down to .75" at 100 yds. That's good enough for him.lol. I used 175 Barnes LRX with IMR 4895. Not ideal powder for it, but worked for me.
I went up in .5 grain powder increments the first time. Then I Just choose a middle powder charge per book and worked on bullet seating. The twist rate is 1-11" All torques have been checked. Maybe it needs a different bullet weight. Who knows.... thanks for the reply
No sir not yet. Going to try and seat deeper. Been a bit frustrated with it so I tossed it back in the safe. Thx for reaching out!!
I went up in .5 grain powder increments the first time. Then I Just choose a middle powder charge per book and worked on bullet seating. The twist rate is 1-11" All torques have been checked. Maybe it needs a different bullet weight. Who knows.... thanks for the reply

I think it might be worth trying a 150 grain class bullet and see what happens. I Even used to shoot 125s in both my .308s and even my .30-06 and hunted successfully with these projectiles. I don't know what you are hunting but I would think a properly constructed 150 would take most stuff down at reasonable ranges. Just my .02.

Good Luck!
Get some good ole fashion 150 gr flat base bullets and 4064 a try. Sometimes barrels just don't like BTHP's.
Well, I would be pretty disappointed in Tikka if all I could shoot well was smaller grain bullets. Will try other powders like 4895. Hoping something comes together.
Lots of good powder suggestions. Definitely agree with IMR 4895 for 168-ish weights. I've had great success with Varget in both 20" and 24" bbls.
Thank you for the replies. Could not get Varget to go. But will see what H4895 will do. Haven't given up on the old girl, but she sure is testing my patience!
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