I have been treated a few times in the last 20 years for Lyme disease. The most recent was a couple of months ago. Same situation as Coyote Shadow Tracker. A fully engorged deer tick that looked like a black mole. Went to the doc and got a single super-dose of Doxycycline. I'd recommend this if you find a tick that has been attached for more then a day. If you wait too long and it establishes in your system, a three week regimen of Doxycycline will be necessary. To make matters worse, in my most recent case, in the same area as the tick bite, I developed a Shingles rash. Whether it was an immune system reaction to the inflamed tick bite, or coincidence, who knows! In any case, all seems well now. As I spend a great deal of time in the New England deer tick infested woodlands, I found that a Sorresto collar for my Brittany, and judicious use of "non-toxic" Cedarcide tick repellent does a great job of keeping the ticks off.