Threading barrel with sweated front sight


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
I would like to thread a barrel for a silencer, but the front sight is a 1.5" long collar that was silver soldered/ sweated to the barrel.
Do i just machine away the front sight and treat the collar as part of the barrel, or do i have to heat the whole lot up untill i can slip it off?
If i were to slip it off, it would expose the front 1.5" of barrel that is considerably thinner than the rest.
Does anyone out here know the "correct" way of dealing with this?
(Rifle is a .22 hornet)
I am also reluctant to heat up the barrel as this could change the temper of the barrel.
I would like to thread a barrel for a silencer, but the front sight is a 1.5" long collar that was silver soldered/ sweated to the barrel.
Do i just machine away the front sight and treat the collar as part of the barrel, or do i have to heat the whole lot up untill i can slip it off?
If i were to slip it off, it would expose the front 1.5" of barrel that is considerably thinner than the rest.
Does anyone out here know the "correct" way of dealing with this?
(Rifle is a .22 hornet)
I am also reluctant to heat up the barrel as this could change the temper of the barrel.

Depending on how long the barrel is, the simple way is to cut the barrel off just behind the sight
thread it to match the silencer and re crown .

A inch or two should not hurt your velocity very much.

It is best not to heat up the barrel if you don't have to and if your not familiar with this process.

You defanutly don't want to use the collar that was silver soldered to the barrel to thread and
hold the silencer.

Thank you J,

How much velocity would you typically loose between 24" and 22" on a hornet?

Zoeper, If you're careful, and quick, you're unlikely to affect the temper of the barrel, but because of the small diameter, the slight risk of distorting the critical muzzle area, and the difficulty of refinishing the area that is soldered, I also recommend parting off just behind the sight, threading and recrowning the barrel. With lighter bullets, 35-45gr, velocity loss won't be any more than A.J. stated, and you will have a more compact rifle in the bargain, with or without the silencer.

If you decide to remove the sight, drift the blade out and look for a set screw under the dovetail that goes down to index the barrel and hold it in position for the soldering operation. Some sweated-on bases have this small set screw in them for that purpose. If it's there, the barrel will have a shallow, drill-pointed hole in it also.

Don't run afoul of the law with the silencer.

Good luck, Tom
Thank you guys,

That all sounds like solid advice. (including the legal bit, tom)
Silencers are legal and do not need to be lisenced where i live, so no danger of bumping heads with the feds. :D

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