Thoughts on remington 700 long range

Aaaand what about those that said go ahead and buy one, Remington's QC issues are days gone? This is the internet folks; we all know there's no room for accountability on the internet :D
Nobody ever said they were "days gone"...Far from it. Every company has QC issues...Even Salvage.

He said he wanted a 700 platform to build off of. He said he could get a good deal on the rifle. So we told him go for it. What's wrong with that?
Sure would. Still crappy quality control though. And wasn't that the op's initial hang-up?

Once in a while? Sure. But big green could darn near start a lemonade stand.

Lol google any brand or model of factory rifle + "quality control issues" and see what turns up. Nobody takes to the forums to let everyone know they bought a mid priced factory gun and everything is ok with it.

Firearm companies usually dont share any kind of sales info or repair info but i would bet that if you could compare rifles sold vs rifles repaired or replaced it would be a very similar percentage across the industry.
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I've been around long enough to see just about every manufacturer gets meat mouthed from time to time. Even Glocks have had that happen to them and they are now revered to be bullet proof. Pun intended.
Aaaand what about those that said go ahead and buy one, Remington's QC issues are days gone? This is the internet folks; we all know there's no room for accountability on the internet :D

Strange indeed,,, it would be neat to see who post this info.

Very unfortunate that his rifle came out with a glitch from the factory,,, purhaps this is an eye opener for Remington to address their Q&C station to prevent things like this from occuing.

One would thing that issues like this have happened to many products that us consumers have purchased.

I've been lucky with all the Remmy's I've bought,,, knock on wood since things could of happen fore sure.

Glad to hear the OP got things sorted, that's what really counts... My LR is working good,,, no glitches so far as I finish off the barrel this summer...

When I see more outters then inners on the V ring,,, the unit will get a new barrel,,, Ho Hummmmm,,, I suppose I got one of those 7500+++ to shoot out barrels in 30/06... Good thing is that I don't load to max that slows down the hot throat flash burn. LOL.

Soft rifle with a soft shooter goes hand in hand you know. Ha
Getting this thread alive again, was an easy task:cool:

I was simply asking a question... How recommending something made us look bad? What are the odds of the very thing he was worried about being the exact same issue he had? Even Nostradamus couldn't have predicted the odds on that happening. Recommending it wasn't the root of the evil, Remington screwing the pooch on QC is what made it look bad.
Well I'm not entirely sold that this was a QC issue. As far as I know all rifles from Remington, and most manufacturers, proof fire their rifles. That burr was large enough to either lock up the bolt, get stamped down, or rupture the case going by the photos. but at this point it doesn't matter.
Strange indeed,,, it would be neat to see who post this info.

Im trying to understand what youre asking. Could you clarify?

I dont think i chimed in on this thread before he bought it but i do recommend 700s to anyone who asks especially for something to piece together a rifle with. Theres no comparable aftermarket
Well I'm not entirely sold that this was a QC issue. As far as I know all rifles from Remington, and most manufacturers, proof fire their rifles. That burr was large enough to either lock up the bolt, get stamped down, or rupture the case going by the photos. but at this point it doesn't matter.
The scary part is when I brought the rifle back the guy behind the counter told me to fire the gun and that burr might come outo_O
Well I'd have to see that burr in real life. But man I think I'd shop around at different shops.
Hopefully it works.

It's not as if other products haven't been sold to the general public that haven't turned into lemonade,,, it could be $100 G vehicles,,, $500 G combines or tractors along with houses, and everything mechanical. LOL. Try buying a $10.000 breeding bull and have it drop dead the next following week. Been there done that.

Darn rights that we want things to go right since its our hard earned money that's on the line,,, I agree that all new firearms should be tested and there should be no such thing as lemmons,,, but things happen in the human world,,, I'm sure I've slipped up more than a few times in my life time when it comes to my own Q&C... The only one to blame for that is me.

And yes it sucks goats milk when things go south,,, some of us are lucky to have the extra funds to sort things out,,, some folks don't have this luxury so it becomes a much larger issue one would think.

Like I mentioned,,, I'm not thrilled that this happened to one of our brothers or sisters,,, hopefully its sorted. I hope to here how this rifle shoots when CS gets it back... I've seen 4 Remmy LR's at our range of 1600 shooters,,, that's not very many of them... But all 4 of them have responded that they are out of the box tack drivers,,, I bought one to find out,,, it was my first 600,,, 1000,,, and loaded hot once 1700 meter """first time shooter rifle.""" I picked the next lower node down in the 308 soft Winchester category to extend the life of it.

178 ELD-X & M's @ 2635 and Juggernauts 185's at 2610... The barrel vibs are at home with those charges... Deffinatly not the power house loads,,,.but the tact-driving accuracy factor is threw the roof with this unit after the small work over.
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