Hopefully it works.
It's not as if other products haven't been sold to the general public that haven't turned into lemonade,,, it could be $100 G vehicles,,, $500 G combines or tractors along with houses, and everything mechanical. LOL. Try buying a $10.000 breeding bull and have it drop dead the next following week. Been there done that.
Darn rights that we want things to go right since its our hard earned money that's on the line,,, I agree that all new firearms should be tested and there should be no such thing as lemmons,,, but things happen in the human world,,, I'm sure I've slipped up more than a few times in my life time when it comes to my own Q&C... The only one to blame for that is me.
And yes it sucks goats milk when things go south,,, some of us are lucky to have the extra funds to sort things out,,, some folks don't have this luxury so it becomes a much larger issue one would think.
Like I mentioned,,, I'm not thrilled that this happened to one of our brothers or sisters,,, hopefully its sorted. I hope to here how this rifle shoots when CS gets it back... I've seen 4 Remmy LR's at our range of 1600 shooters,,, that's not very many of them... But all 4 of them have responded that they are out of the box tack drivers,,, I bought one to find out,,, it was my first 600,,, 1000,,, and loaded hot once 1700 meter """first time shooter rifle.""" I picked the next lower node down in the 308 soft Winchester category to extend the life of it.
178 ELD-X & M's @ 2635 and Juggernauts 185's at 2610... The barrel vibs are at home with those charges... Deffinatly not the power house loads,,,.but the tact-driving accuracy factor is threw the roof with this unit after the small work over.