Thinking of buying new ar-15 barrel

I don't have the money for it right now so it won't be done for a little bit. I wanted to hear from other people before I just rush to do it and end up wasting a bunch of money. ;)
I don't reload yet... The 223 is nice and cheap to shoot but by the time I build another upper or buy one it's gonna take a little while until I'm actually saving money.
I agree, for plinking, it is nearly unmatched for price of any other centerfire cartridge. Which is why I keep a nice supply of 5.56 on-hand for plinking and another untouched supply for SHTF situations. And also why I'll never modify my LWRC M6 into any other cartridge than 5.56 NATO. It's my battle rifle, and it will always be 5.56 because common ammo & magazine weapons are very important in situations like that. Same reason I am considering buying some Glock 17 mags, and a LWD Glock 22/31 9mm threaded conversion barrel for my 31C .357 Sig. I have no use for 9mm, but in a SHTF situation, having the parts to adapt can be of "life or death" importance. So, the handful of weapons I have that will be part of my true SHTF kit, are very basic, and not in boutique calibers/cartridges for this reason.

My other caliber AR's and 5.56 M4's are just play toys for me to tinker around with, so adding another upper to that list is not a big deal. But you always gotta keep your your battle kit unmodified for commonality and compatibility. So, if you only have 1 AR, keep your 5.56 upper intact. And just build another upper in .224V. That's my advice.
I have built two 224 Vs. Both used Krieger 6.5 to 1 twist barrels. After break in. I holding .50 MOA out to 1K yds with a 90 gr SMK sitting on top of 26 grs of Reloader 17. using Remington 7.5 bench rest primers.
I have built two 224 Vs. Both used Krieger 6.5 to 1 twist barrels. After break in. I holding .50 MOA out to 1K yds with a 90 gr SMK sitting on top of 26 grs of Reloader 17. using Remington 7.5 bench rest primers.
I'm curious what a barrel like that costs?
To answer your original question, I'm quite fond of Aero precision products and they own BA. Always heard good things about them. It should be accurate and will have a good company backing it.
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