- Waay back in the '80's:
- How to shoot
- How to find someone who could teach me how to shoot
- Picking the right wife (I'm sure she says the same).
- Now:
- Organizing time to maximize my shooting (still learning that one)
Every other lesson has been pure gold, wouldn't change it. Lessons/knowledge comes at you all the time, but if you're not paying attention, not ready or not knowledgeable enough, you'll miss them until they come around again. When you "get it," they stick. Some of the most basics: consistent cheek weld, mastering sight picture, trigger finger position, muscle timing with heartbeat/breathing, reading the wind.
On brass spring back, I move the press arm very deliberately, no need to hesitate at the top, the flow has already happened by the time I get there and the resulting "spring" is unavoidable.
On bag vs fist vs cradle, etc, the POI doesn't shift, how you hold it does and affects POI. On the line, if you see a guy with a rifle in a cradle, on bags, or prone, shooting a RH rifle LH, with the sling wrapped around his RH, holding the fore end like he's off hand in the field, that's me. Might look funny or uncomfortable, but if I'm doing my job, POI is darned close to POA.