In an attempt to address this crime wave, the government is talking about a range of gun control measures. Never mind the catch and release of felons, known gun runners, and two years of big city encouragement to "peacefully" riot and defund the police btw. Smoke and mirror idiots.
Always blame guns and only punish law abiding gun owners to address rising crime.
What's really crazy is that it makes sense to about half the population to address it in such a way.
Nevermind the fact we have upwards of 100,000,000 legal gun owners in the country never commit a crime with one and the fact we have now upwards of 400,000,000 legally owned firearms in the country that are never used in a crime.
Over 90% of crime is committed with firearms that are swapped and traded among the criminal class. This class of folks who commit the vast majority of crimes with guns are never going to be impacted by any restrictions placed on law abiding gun owners. They don't care, at worst, all it does is increase the cost of a gun on the black market.
In this era where such things as 3-D printers are becoming ever more common the idea that it's even possible to attack crime with gun laws is asinine.
I don't care what your politics on any other issue are, it's time we put some common sense back into how we address crime in the US and that is with very harsh penalties for the people who see the rest of us as animals to be sheared and slaughtered for a profit.
I don't want to get too broad here but that should start with declaring our drug gangs to be terrorist organizations along with the cartels who supply them and put every resource we have available into destroying them. They have done and continue to do far more harm to us as a Nation and as individuals than Al Qaeda and ISIS combined.
Secure our borders and tell the countries supplying those drugs to either cut off the supply or the US Military will and then do it.
That would eliminate upwards of 90% of violent crime in our major cities.
Dry up the supply and spend what we have to as far as getting addicts clean and get them back to being productive members of society and we' won't need to have these discussions a decade from now.
Right now the trend however is to empty the prisons and replace cops with social workers and even the blind should be able to see that formula is a recipe for disaster.