There are other .473 bolt face out there other than for the socom. There is also bolts for wssm for AR15's. I have used standard 308 bolts in where other places state hp bolt required and have had several thousand rounds without any issues except for the firing pin (hp type and non). Bolt is the less of the issue! Example, with an AP barrel in 6.5Creed using standard rifle length gas system (I have 3 different barrel lengths) it has never had an issue with standard P bolt and pin. Faxon, cbi, pr and others that use standard and +2 gas system for the 6.5creed I have had lots of firing pin failures using hp and non bolts. I've tried titanium, steel and 1 other metal pin and all have failed miserably in 260rem, other 6.5creed and 243win. Again, 0 bolt issues! Gas rings could play a part in the 15 style, but haven't tested those yet. All have been tested with factory ammo from American manufacturers.