I thought I remembered seeing .75 for the 200. I'll have to look again. Been awhile since I used them. Killed a 4 pt. buck 10 years ago or so with the 200 out of my 7-270 WSM XP at 325 I think it was, and it performed well as I remember. Saw the 195, and thought the 200 was so close to it BC-wise that I would just stick with the 200 since I have so many of them now--~200 or so. Interesting about the bullet annealing. Have read a bit about it but haven't done it yet--most of my BG hunting is with archery anyway. Just want one more BG pistol if/when needed. Ernie what do you think? Why did you go to the 180 when the 195 seems to be at the top of the heap?