Good evening all!
We just got a great deal on a large batch of Berger .257 EOL 133gr bullets. Currently we don't have a 1/4 bore in our inventory. The last one Jill had was a 25WSSM and we loved it. We also have more rifle components than we can currently build rifles.
I always pick a Cartridge and then start purchasing all the components for the build. Started out different this time.
We have the bullet a .257 Berger 133gr EOL. now we need to start working around the bullet. I know that this bullet is on the heavier/longer side.
I am thinking a 1:7 twist on the barrel. Now need the Cartridge to start purchasing the Action, Brass, Dies, Reamer.
What CARTRIDGE would you have to shoot these bullets for hunting??? Plan on a "Mountain Type Rifle"
Interested in a SA for this build but can go LA.
Looking for infor from someone that has previous experience with heavy .257s. or your perfect idea of 1/4 bore Slayer you would want to own and hunt with.

Len & Jill
257 Weatherby all the way. Components are available, nothing else will out run it and it's a pleasure to shoot even with a light weight set up.
Kimber Montana in 25 creed 7twist with a 24" barrel and I was shooting 131 blackjacks at 2915 with reloaded 26 took a ram at 400 yds one shot just fine weighs less than 8 pounds complete with a 27 ounce scope
I heard that the .257 was revived with Blackjack coming out with the 131 Blackjack. I saw some post over the past two years that the company manufacturing Blackjack Bullets took money for orders and never sent the bullets and no one is receiving bullets from them.
Since I started this Post with the intention of using Berger EOL 133gr need some info on that.
Quarter Creed or 25/284 for sure!
Can get bushings for common dies for both and have brass availability.
These are the most efficient and use common powders as well.
If not, then straight 25-06. Easiest of all for components and loaded ammo available.
I see no need to go AI for a little more gain and have to order dies and fireform.

Of course this only my opinion.
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