Hunting here at Rustic River Ranch has been a experience! The lodge owner, Dave, Is a very hard working owner that will let you know that he is not a guide! When you hunt here it is literally a trespass fee with lodging and food included. The weather took a turn for the worse. It normally is 45 degrees and it is hitting 80 degrees. These hogs are staying in the shade and not moving till the middle of the night. Dave went out under the feeders and buried SACKS of corn and peanuts to try to bring them in. It worked! A group of hogs came in at 0dark30 and the Trijicon scope did its job! 102lb on the ground. Dave is hooked up with a local processor that will take the game 24 hrs a day to protect his clients meat.
For a person from the city that wants a 5 star lodge and a guide to do everything for him, this is not the place.
For a hunter to get on some private property and have the bait sites managed before they get here, it is the place.
The lodge is a new construction. clean SMALL area to sleep and eat. Two rooms for hunters with bunk style beds that are comfortable and done in the log style. The lodge is built the name and theme Rustic River. They are located on the Pease river country of Texas.
No high fences, No planted hogs, No guaranteed success, I think hunting is not about the destiny but about the JOURNEY.
For a city boy hunter that wants the guaranteed success of penned hogs to make him feel like a hunter there are many high fenced hog hunting areas that hogs are released into.
If I was into young kids and non hunting educated woman these fenced hunts might be the way to go to get them interested and addicted.
Rustic River is more for the seasoned hunter or the hunter that wants to hunt hogs that are not available in their home state.