In my 7 year tenure as a Microsoft Engineer I was very well known in the company for being a major A-Hole in email while those I talked to on the phone or personally found me extremely likable.
What I (we, with the help of others) found out is that email can be too easily misinterpreted. Once the wrong impression is made bias takes over and problems escalate. My MS file indicates I had the highest cust service rating in my division and at the same time an exceptionally hi rate of ****ing off management. This apparent inconsistency was due to the fact I <font color="red">
always emailed management </font> with problems / disputes / differences etc and <font color="red">
I AWAYS Called Customers on the phone </font> when there was any Hint or possibility of mis-communication.
Personally I'm convinced that abinok has no malicious intentions toward Richard but his terse communication style is like mine and easily misinterpreted. I was only able to overcome that problem by having my dispute email to management pre-screened/reviewed by my peers.
I'm hoping at this point we can
<ul type="square"> [*] give each other the benefit of doubt [*]Stop the senseless mind reading/speculation on motives
[*]make progress on testing Richards excellent bullets. [*]Drop this He Thought, He Wrote, His Intentions were Thread [*]Review the
WildCatBullets site and help ricka figure out all the Terms [/list]