Terminus Apollo Hammers

That is awesome shooting. That is the main reason I do not have a $5K rifle. I am only a $2K shooter. If as the last of the kids get done with school I get the time I may see If I can learn to shoot consistently past 600 yards and buy a rifle like the one used in this example. I am always super impressed with the guys that can shoot like this. It takes a high quality rifle, but it also takes great ammunition and most importantly a great shooter. I played football, but new after the age of 14 I would not play in the NFL. I shoot a bit and spent some time carrying a rifle for a living, but I know I will never shoot a 2 inch 1000 yard group.
Of course you can if you invest in yourself and not just the equipment.
Hello gentleman and shooting enthusiasts.
I have been following this thread as I am the guy who shot the groups. Normally I don't say anything but this seems to be causing too many issues on thIs awesome forum we all get to be part of. It never fails to amuse me at people who want to bring up the world records for this and that. This group qualifies as nothing. It's not world class shooting, it's not even a record for anything as it was just a three shot group. For our hunting rifles that Has been the standard for as long as I can remember. Especially on a carbon fiber barrel. I do not seek anyone's approval or belief of my abilities. It's just a tribute to what the the actions built by Joel are capable of. If you want to get all twisted up about it you're more than welcome to come through our course at Barbourcreek.com. With our school rifles students are able to hit clays at 1,000 yards and a few of our clients are able to hit golfballs with us calling the wind for them. I have worked with the best, been trained by the best, and shoot 6 days a week on the same range. I hope all of you gentleman have a great and wonderful day.
Thank you for coming out. You made a key point, "Especially on a carbon fiber barrel." I believe in a great barrel with a good action over a great action with a good barrel. In this century, there are many (or a few, depends on ones comparative analysis) great barrel makers. Plus the same goes for action makers.
As for finding it amusing when world records are brought up, a large part of the shooting world is based on comparisons. That's very obvious in close contests. World records set a high standard. A standard that is verifiable, and is it not worthy to strive for a high goal? World records are established high points. Can anyone make a world record? No, and there is a good, established reason why not. Can anyone compare their shooting to a high standard? Certainly. There is nothing wrong in striving for perfection. However, most people don't achieve it.
Why did issues arise in this post? What's the source? IMO Joel could have said immediately that you made the shots. He didn't, and then he made his challenges. That inferred he was the shooter. That's misleading, and hence the issues grew. In the OP, Joel stayers it's a 5-shot group. In #9, he says it's a 7-shot group. You say it's 3-shot groups. I believe you. IMO Joel went too far in promoting his product.
Congratulations on havIng the best shooting school.
Have a safe, great week.
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Well to put the group thing into perspective, i believe the 10 shot 1000 yd group of 2.6" cited above shot by Mr Richards, is the smallest 10 shot 1000 yd group ever shot. However since it was shot in the light gun class, it only qualifies as a light gun record. At least as the rules and records go, and yes i agree the rules are stupid.
In 1986 as i recall, a guy i knew well set a heavy gun 10 shot record at Williamsport with a group of about
3 3/4", and the current 10 shot heavy gun record, which is now closing in on being 10 years old beats the 1986 record by just about 1" in laymans language. So thats how far weve progressed in almost 35 years.
But then maybe the best shooters havent been the ones competing? lol
Things have actually progressed a long ways. Agg records are what you want to look at. I watched Jim Richard's group form in the pits. It was very exciting to see such a small one. But the gun didnt agg as well as some others that year. The small group records get most of the attention because they are so amazing, the aggs are more dull but tell you about consistent accuracy.
Wow guys, I've shot a 2.5" group at 1/2 mile with a factory 700. They're trying to promote their products and services. If I can do that i ideal conditions, I have no reason to be naysaying what they did. They wouldn't even bother posting it. Good grief
Of course you can if you invest in yourself and not just the equipment.
That's the IF! I spend a lot of time in the boat chasing walleyes all spring and summer, duck hunting is my true passion, and rifles get 6 months of good work, but 3 months of that is hunting. I have the time and money, and facilities to be a 600 yard shooter capable of killing stuff to 500 if the wind isn't blowing. A $2K shooter. Maybe $3k to $3,500 with optics. I would like to push my comfortable harvest range to 600, but that is a different game from the 1000 yard sub quarter minute in the pics.
Thank you for coming out. You made a key point, "Especially on a carbon fiber barrel." I believe in a great barrel with a good action over a great action with a good barrel. In this century, there are many (or a few, depends on ones comparative analysis) great barrel makers. Plus the same goes for action makers.
As for finding it amusing when world records are brought up, a large part of the shooting world is based on comparisons. That's very obvious in close contests. World records set a high standard. A standard that is verifiable, and is it not worthy to strive for a high goal? World records are established high points. Can anyone make a world record? No, and there is a good, established reason why not. Can anyone compare their shooting to a high standard? Certainly. There is nothing wrong in striving for perfection. However, most people don't achieve it.
Why did issues arise in this post? What's the source? IMO Joel could have said immediately that you made the shots. He didn't, and then he made his challenges. That inferred he was the shooter. That's misleading, and hence the issues grew. In the OP, Joel stayers it's a 5-shot group. In #9, he says it's a 7-shot group. You say it's 3-shot groups. I believe you. IMO Joel went too far in promoting his product.
Congratulations on havIng the best shooting school.
Have a safe, great week.

We sell custom hunting rifles and run the course. We are the only ones that guarantee .5 MoA at 1,100 yards with myself or James Eagleman shooting the rifle. When I'm not shooting I am working on the hunting ammo we offer, which is what I used in the second group. The first was ELD-M. Out of my test rifles I keep SDs below 5 FPS and ES under 10. Powder is measured down to the kernel. Projectiles and bras brass are weigh sorted. Those groups I was provided With calm winds and low humidity which made the mirage crystal clear. As far a competing with it being the standard for someone to beat, is not everyone's standard to measure ones success with. I don't need to be known nor do I want to be. I'm content right where I'm at.

Out of curiosity, what kind of range are/were you.


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I took a look at the BCSA website, and was thoroughly impressed. Hence, the best shooting school is a warranted recognition.
LRH is a hunting forum, and I enjoy elk hunting in my home state of Idaho. My hunting style is scouting, stalking and shooting. I'm fortunate to have killed a few elk. Twenty three one-shot kills. Most offhand as time is usually measured in seconds.
My range shooting started when I was 12 with my .22. It has evolved into long range shooting via a close friend and a neighbor who do compete. Their patient high level culling and sorting of brass blows me away. Their attention to minute detail in reloading and in shooting gives them just rewards. Their gun collections are nothing short of exotic. There are two area ranges that I shoot at: one goes out to 1,000 yards and the other to 1,800 yards. Cheers to Barbour Creek :)
I took a look at the BCSA website, and was thoroughly impressed. Hence, the best shooting school is a warranted recognition.
LRH is a hunting forum, and I enjoy elk hunting in my home state of Idaho. My hunting style is scouting, stalking and shooting. I'm fortunate to have killed a few elk. Twenty three one-shot kills. Most offhand as time is usually measured in seconds.
My range shooting started when I was 12 with my .22. It has evolved into long range shooting via a close friend and a neighbor who do compete. Their patient high level culling and sorting of brass blows me away. Their attention to minute detail in reloading and in shooting gives them just rewards. Their gun collections are nothing short of exotic. There are two area ranges that I shoot at: one goes out to 1,000 yards and the other to 1,800 yards. Cheers to Barbour Creek :)
I've hunted the frank church a few times. An army buddy of mine lives on twin falls. I love hunting there. Because of the terrain it challenges you in wind calls there. So far everything I have hunted has been 1 shot kills. This last January I hunted with precision hunting tv and got to kill an Aoudad at 938 yards. I've done all facets of hunting. But due to being blown up 9 times and shot three, I'm not able as I used to be. My trigger finger still works fine though.
I will never shoot that well, and I accept that. Some people are naturally extremely good shooters. I can shoot my rifle monthly but a friend of mine who shoots maybe once a year can lay down and shrink my groups in half on a gun that he's never shot.

I have a buddy who is going to do a custom with one of Joel's actions. As a machinist that manufacturers shooting related stuff, you can bet I'm going to thoroughly inspect his action once he gets it. If the machine work is as good as the design, and the shooting I've seen associated with his actions, I will be thoroughly impressed.
A well built custom rifle is capable of this accuracy. If they are built right, every one is capable of this accuracy. You often read here that customs dont shoot any better than a semi custom or factory rifle. Yes they do, this is why you buy a good custom rifle. Tuning one to shoot like that is up to the owner however. I do not doubt these groups for a second.
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Hello gentleman and shooting enthusiasts.
I have been following this thread as I am the guy who shot the groups. Normally I don't say anything but this seems to be causing too many issues on thIs awesome forum we all get to be part of. It never fails to amuse me at people who want to bring up the world records for this and that. This group qualifies as nothing. It's not world class shooting, it's not even a record for anything as it was just a three shot group. For our hunting rifles that Has been the standard for as long as I can remember. Especially on a carbon fiber barrel. I do not seek anyone's approval or belief of my abilities. It's just a tribute to what the the actions built by Joel are capable of. If you want to get all twisted up about it you're more than welcome to come through our course at Barbourcreek.com. With our school rifles students are able to hit clays at 1,000 yards and a few of our clients are able to hit golfballs with us calling the wind for them. I have worked with the best, been trained by the best, and shoot 6 days a week on the same range. I hope all of you gentleman have a great and wonderful day.

Thank you for your post. Makes me wish I could take some instruction from you. Wish I wasn't 2500 miles away and so friggen old :)
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