Temp sensitivity out of accuracy node


Why do you need to use a dedicated bore guide?

This sounds a lot like another product, HBN, that is used for the same purpose. It's not the same thing, just used similarly.
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I clean with clean bore guides. I foul with fouled bore guides.
And no reason for expensive precision fitting per cal bore guides just for pre-fouling. So I use an auto parts store piece of fuel line.
Just keeping the tungsten out of the chamber/action.
Mike do you flare one end to make it easy for the "mop" entry?
By the way, fueline is a great idea...I learn something useful every day here...
They were a preferred load. Went out with them again later in the fall. At 200 yds. placed 5 rounds in a 1" hole. I keep these rounds for the cooler season and into the early winter for hunting.
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