I really want to stress that I do not hold anyone above anyone else. I have tried hard to treat everyone as equals, as have nearly everyone I know here on LRH. That is what made it the site it is, the members that come here to visit.
We have had some knock down drag outs, believe me I have been in my fair share. There have been some topics that have required the old Nuke button to be pushed to stop things but in all reality, that has been a relatively rare thing.
I also do not want to intimidate ANYONE, from joining or posting on LRH. That is in no way my intent. As mentioned, I would like to see the search function used more often but as members get more proficent with what can be done here on LRH, that happens more and more. Not only does it clean up the list of topics, it offers the member a VAST amount of topic specific information that they can learn on their own and just make them a more rounded student of long range shooting and hunting which what we ALL are.
Some of us are Freshmen, some are under grads, some are grads, some are masters, some are Doctors, we all are learning every time we go out shooting. Everyone has always been welcome here on LRH with open arms as long as they are respectul to others. Hell, even guys that do not have a clue have been welcomed and then we just try to pound the trueth into them
My point is simply that we all can have things to offer to this big family but its easy to get into that craze where someone hears something and tells someone else and before you know it its spreading across the web like wildfire and if that is the case, it MUST be fact.
Those of us that are long in the tooth members of LRH have a responsibility to keep an eye out for bad advice and respectfully correct it when we see it. Not to prove ourselves as RIGHT, but to protect new members from bad advice. That is my only point for this post and I have decided to try to make a point to TROLL LRH more often.
I am certainly not the end all of information but I have done a thing or two that is related to long range shooting and hunting, I have reloaded a few rounds in my lifetime, built a couple rifles that shot alright and if my experience is associated with a topic posted, I will offer what I can and I know all of you will only add to that which is what makes LRH great, the vast amount of experience on here. We do not just talk for the most part. We do and then report, that is what makes us different.
Lets keep doing that and stay different!!!