First off, I want to make the point that I am not directing this in any specific direction but I have spend a couple days reading over alot of posts here on LRH and have to say something.
I have not been on here nearly as much as I used to be. Just not enough time with the work load in the shop. Can not complain about that.
Several years ago, LRH seemed to be THE place to go for long range shooting and hunting advice. I have been reading over the past couple evenings just trying to catch up a bit and see whos around and I have to say, I have been really suprised.
Alot of the advice being given now on LRH seems to be based more in opinion now days then in actual fact and experience from those that have been out there, did the testing and record the actual results. Used to be if someone recommended something on LRH, it was based on fact and actual field testing and that those results could be backed up with records of those tests.
I guess the reason for this post is simply to recommend that if you reply to a posters question, please have the experience and data to back up your advice. There are alot of new members here on and I have seen alot of recommendations that simply not up to the quality of LRH.
I hate to say it but it appears to be slipping toward something like 24hourcampfire which is something that I am sure none of us want to turn into.
Again, when a question is asked, if your going to asnwer or reply, just make sure you know what your talking about with actual experience. I realize this is how we all learn but people come to this site to learn and when they get a reply that has incorrect information that they take as fact when in reality its simply someones opinion from reading the gun rags or other computer media.
If you have experience, please offer a reply, if you do not, just hold off.
Again, not pointing to anyone inspecific direction with this, just a shout out to everyone, alot of new guys are depending on your replies, make sure they are factually based and not opinion.
I may **** some off with this post but do not intend to do that at all. We just need to keep LRH the valuable resource its always been. Its always been a special place to come to and learn from those that have and those that do so that others can become the ones that have and do. We do not want to become the board of those that "Sit and Read and Spout" instead of those that "Do, test and report"!
Nuff said from me, just had to vent a bit.