Suppressed Magnums

Thunder Beast Ultra 9 with my 300WM hunting rifles and I won't shoot without the can. Went from uncomfortable to very comfy to shoot. Same is true for all my rifles with the TB Ultra 9. And these are the old ones.

ps - mirage for me means slow down and shoot another platform while the barrel cools. I also run a cover if a problem. But I don't shoot long strings with magnums.
As i shoot my suppressed magnum more and more, i come to realize im not liking it as much anymore. Im not a fan of the mirage off of the suppressor. Although the sound suppression is nice, i definently feel like the heat is lasting alot longer in the suppressor and the barrel, when im going out and doing some general shooting. What are your experiences with a suppressed magnum?
You are 100% right on the mirage because it is capturing all those gasses from your shot. You have to put on a sleeve to control the mirage and use a barrel cooler if your at the range or completion. Muzzle breaks work but I personal HATE them because of how loud they are and the fact that they beat you up with the percussion they make. At my late completion that I went to I had a 300 win. on my left and a 300 Norma with breaks on the right and they both pounded me. I wear 2 ear plugs (1 enter ear and 1 muffs). For future events I will no longer stay at my bench and will get up and move back 20' to spot for them. JMO
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I love my ab raptor 10 on my 300 rum. It sounds awesome but def effected the recoil in a negative way as before with the brake it was more of a slow push back now it's much sharper. Recoil is still less than my 338-378. After 5 rounds the mirage is quite noticeable If the wind isn't blowing a good cover would fix that but haven't ordered one for it yet. Had to sight the rifle in again bc it moved poi down about 3 inches at 100. Still worth it though as that thing was miserable to shoot without the can on it
what can are you running in that 338-378, i'm getting one in apex and considering a can;
As i shoot my suppressed magnum more and more, i come to realize im not liking it as much anymore. Im not a fan of the mirage off of the suppressor. Although the sound suppression is nice, i definently feel like the heat is lasting alot longer in the suppressor and the barrel, when im going out and doing some general shooting. What are your experiences with a suppressed magnum?
I shoot steel weekly with multiple rifles with Thunderbeast suppressors. After 2-3 shots I begin noticing mirage. I prevent it by using a small rechargeable battery operated fan that I set on the bench next to the barrel and blowing on the suppressor. Works great!
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Do you have a suppressor wrap? That will help considerably with the mirage, however, it won't help with the heat coming from the end cap (brake portion) of your can.

I use a Thunderbeast 338 Ultra on my 338 RUM. The suppression is incredible. Recoil gets a little stout though as it doesn't reduce recoil as effectively compared to my 5 port brake.

Even then, I'd still prefer using the suppressor.

I only shoot magnums. Safe to say my supressor was just about the biggest waste of money I've ever spent in this rifle game. It has its place for everyone but its place for me is in the safe when it comes to shooting magnums. I much prefer the benefits of a good brake over a $1000 set of ear plugs. To each his own though.
Has anyone tried the so called improved "flow through" technology? Like in the Huxwerks and others that have adapted this newer tech. I've heard 2-3 other MFGs are adapting this technology as well.

This one of the newer models but they have numerous others.

+1 for insulated wraps. They do a great job. They do slow down barrel cooling quite a bit. Standard barrel coolers loose a lot of flow when the suppressor is attached. That should be expected since the job of a suppressor is to slow air movement. If the barrel gets too hot, I remove the suppressor and use a cooler. Insulated wraps also make it save to remove a hot can!
With bigger magnums and Lapua based cases, the suppressed recoil impulse duration is longer than I care for. A brake is the best route for recoil.
Chamber chiller will cool down the suppressor as well as the barrel.
Has anyone tried the so called improved "flow through" technology? Like in the Huxwerks and others that have adapted this newer tech. I've heard 2-3 other MFGs are adapting this technology as well.

This one of the newer models but they have numerous others.

Not for bolt guns. Those are best for semi-autos where you're trying to minimize the blast in your face.
The only magnum I'm running suppressed is the 7 PRC. In general, I can ignore the recoil but if I switch over to my 300WM with a break, it's noticeable that the WM has less recoil. I'm not saying I would discourage anyone who wants to from going suppressed on a Magnum but I think you get a lot less return for your suppressor $ than with other applications. The Precision Rifle Blog had an article in the last couple weeks on muzzle breaks vs suppressor use in the PRS league. Breaks far and away predominate among the top shooters.
I suppress everything I can - all the way up to one of my 50BMGs.

I'm also not ripping of ten-round strings on steel with a 300 RUM. That's the whole reason I have a 223AI - to make shooting steel fun, and not just easy.

Breaks far and away predominate among the top shooters.
Yes, in PRS, where the sport is based on positional shooting. That's also why they run 6mms, and usually a small one in the Dasher. Think that one through - they're trying to mitigate recoil from a 6 Dasher. They would be mocked off an F-Class line for claiming it even has much recoil, but their game is specialized in a way where any reduction helps obviate the need modification to their stance for follow up shots. 224s are starting to make in-roads in PRS with heavier bullets.

Same thing in 3-Gun. Why a comp on an AR? Because the sport puts a premium on speed. I can shoot an AR off my forehead for the minimal amount of recoil that the gun has, they're chasing stability using compensated brakes.

None of those apply to the key purpose for a suppressor - sound reduction. Something no shooting sport puts an emphasis on.

I would like to see a PRS league that mandates a minimum power factor, similar to IPSC.
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