Super Trickler - Import tax from Uncle Sam

I agree with the above two posts -- VOTE!

And right now is the time to check your registration with your local (county) Board of Elections. Don't want to arrive at the polls and find out you're not registered!
If (IF) you Don't Vote, you have No reason to Bitch of the Government someone else VOTED FOR! Remember:DEMOCRAT Government is the Same as ,Two Wolfs, and ONE Sheep, voting for WHO WILL BE FOR DINNER! The Reason the democrat Party Wants to do away with the Electoral College! With the Popular Vote, there are Aprox FIVE large Citys that can and will out (number) the Rest of America! Your VOTE WILL NOT COUNT! Democracy is the first step to Social Communism, and the FULL COMMUNISM! Go VOTE as your Life and Country Depends Upon it!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
If only there were worthy candidates for whom to vote, but this is the best USA has to offer I suppose......
We can vote but why would I expect Trump to change this? By no means am I suggesting who I might be voting for but simply pointing out that it is very likely that the candidate that I plan to vote for is generally in favor of tariff's to promote US manufacturing.

I expect that I will continue voting for candidates that truly promote a healthy change towards more US manufacturing.

FWIW, Obama signed this into law shortly before he left office. Also, the Republican party controlled both houses of Congress at that time.

We can vote but why would I expect Trump to change this? By no means am I suggesting who I might be voting for but simply pointing out that it is very likely that the candidate that I plan to vote for is generally in favor of tariff's to promote US manufacturing.

I expect that I will continue voting for candidates that truly promote a healthy change towards more US manufacturing.

FWIW, Obama signed this into law shortly before he left office. Also, the Republican party controlled both houses of Congress at that time.

Obama signed the bill in 2015. It raised the import tariff from 200 to 800. Trump considered raising tariffs again, but left it in place as it was. Trumps advisors suggested he not raise it again due to causing increased pricing beyond what he was OK with. Biden did not change it and also left it in place.

Now, if blame is desired to be cast, to whom do we blame? Both sides of the aisle were party to this.

The point was to bolster domestic production and curtail foreign importation to the US.

US people are dependent on the goods they like and are used to using. We are creatures of habit. And they will not alter their choices easily. Most would begrudgingly rather pay more than change their minds.

So in the end, who's to blame? We all are.

Increased costs from tariffs was supposed to slow down reliance on foreign imports. All it did in the end was to increase costs to the end user.

Sometimes people don't look at the finish line before they form a decision.