Great story, thanks for sharing.
Hmmmm, couple a five hour hikes to the ATV with the elk meat. No doubt about it, Marc hit em first.
I don't misunderstand, just a bit of humor.Don't misunderstand, I was right there with him for those hikes. But since he's a little younger and 'hit him first', his pack was a little heavier. I am sure I enjoyed the meat hauling more than Marc did, since it took me longer to get up the hill !
Oh come on Don, don't sell yourself short. That hike is a kick in the balls no matter how good of shape you're in.
Add on 50lbs for your crew served weapon and shells that weigh 2lbs a couldn't ask for a better pack mule, unless we could have talked Scott into bringing out his mules.....I tried!
That shot in the antler would have knocked the bull down. He probably got up and got away while the shooter was celebrating.