Spin Drift and Acceleration

Don't mean to hi jack: but should I have my spin drift turned on in my shooter program? Want to start shooting beyond 700 yds. How much spin drift would I get at 700 yds? 300 RUM 215 berger at 2985 fps. Up until now I have always had spin drift enable turned off. Thanks.
Don't mean to hi jack: but should I have my spin drift turned on in my shooter program? Want to start shooting beyond 700 yds. How much spin drift would I get at 700 yds? 300 RUM 215 berger at 2985 fps. Up until now I have always had spin drift enable turned off. Thanks.

I just leave it on all the time. That way it will add or subtract it from your wind too. It is only about .3 moa for 700 but closer to .5 moa at 1000. Might as well get dialed as close as possible.

I have not read the entire thread but if it hasn't already been mentioned, I would be looking at scope cant. Do you use a level?......Rich
Yes to level. I usually use one mounted to a picatinny base but seeing how Ihave a two piece base I have had to settle on the type of level that mounts to the scope.
Yes to level. I usually use one mounted to a picatinny base but seeing how Ihave a two piece base I have had to settle on the type of level that mounts to the scope.

That should be plenty close enough to work at that range. I use a plumb bob on my scope level at 100 yards after everything else is known to be on......Rich
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