Speers new 190 impact bullet

Ok, the 300WSM has not really liked the 190 Impact so far. I've tried RL26 and velocity is decent at 2960. Have dropped down in load, varied jump and so far maybe MOA at 100. Nothing earth shaking so far. BUT shot it in my Sendero 300WM with RL26 and 3100 no problem. Now starting some load work to see if I can dial it in but I just feel like it is going to be good in the 300WM.
Speer has been doing excellent bonded bullets with low velocity opening forever. They modernized them a little bit to get into new markets.
RL26 - 0.020 off lands, G1 Sendero 26" clean barrel no brake
Had done a previous ladder up to 74.0 so I started at 74.0 to see where the flat spot or pressure would occur. Both at pretty much same load.
74.0 = 2969
74.5 = chrono did not read for whatever reason - no sign of pressure on brass, bolt lift normal
75.0 = 3030
75.5 = 3074
76.0 = 3108
76.5 = 3108
77.0 = 3100 - slight ejector mark, primer rounded edges, bolt lift normal
Stopped since I do not like to push brass into ejector marks etc.

My plan is to reshoot at 76.0 to verify and run some at 100 yards in backyard which is all I have to work with right now. I will post up if load verifies at ~3100 or not.

What is interesting to me is I am getting much higher velocities of the 180-190 with RL26 than I am with 200 gr bullets. My RL26 load for the 200AB is maybe 50 fps faster than with RL22.
RL26 - 0.020 off lands, G1 Sendero 26" clean barrel no brake
Had done a previous ladder up to 74.0 so I started at 74.0 to see where the flat spot or pressure would occur. Both at pretty much same load.
74.0 = 2969
74.5 = chrono did not read for whatever reason - no sign of pressure on brass, bolt lift normal
75.0 = 3030
75.5 = 3074
76.0 = 3108
76.5 = 3108
77.0 = 3100 - slight ejector mark, primer rounded edges, bolt lift normal
Stopped since I do not like to push brass into ejector marks etc.

My plan is to reshoot at 76.0 to verify and run some at 100 yards in backyard which is all I have to work with right now. I will post up if load verifies at ~3100 or not.

What is interesting to me is I am getting much higher velocities of the 180-190 with RL26 than I am with 200 gr bullets. My RL26 load for the 200AB is maybe 50 fps faster than with RL22.
What Brass and Primers ??
R-P brass
Fed 215 primers
2nd firing on brass
0.002 setback on shoulder
Basic brass prep with primer pocket reamed with Sinclair primer pocket reamer and flash hole deburred. Nothing really else done just basic. Did not weigh or sort brass or bullets. Just wanted to see velocities since I am really limited what I can do but at least it is something besides plant potatoes in couch.;)
R-P brass
Fed 215 primers
2nd firing on brass
0.002 setback on shoulder
Basic brass prep with primer pocket reamed with Sinclair primer pocket reamer and flash hole deburred. Nothing really else done just basic. Did not weigh or sort brass or bullets. Just wanted to see velocities since I am really limited what I can do but at least it is something besides plant potatoes in couch.;)
Very nice and yes I feel the same, just cannot get any 190 grain bullets at this time,(Canada) but have 100 rounds of fresh prepped RP brass and 100 rounds of ADG brass and have RL-26 sitting on the bench. Been playing with Berger 215's and H1000 but would love some Impacts.
I like everything about the bullet I hope the bc is correct on both their .308 and .264 versions. If so they will be getting a lot of attention especially if you can run them near 3100 from a 26" 300.
I just confirmed my 180 grain Gamechanger load at 3260 moments ago so I am very confident the velocity I posted for the 190 Impact is spot on as well. I have 27 left so in dilemma on what to do and keep some for hunting if I cold.
Holy smokes 3260 from a 180 is awesome! Their 165 has a higher bc than the 180. If you could get that thing over 3300 it would be tough to beat from a hunting standpoint. Keep us posted on any new results. I'm working on the 165 accubond in my 300 for elk this fall. H4350 shoots lights out but haven't got my velocities yet. Best wishes!
I'e got some 165's that I was going to try in the WSM but maybe I should try in 300WM as well. If the 180 will shoot a little better which I believe it will, the ballistics could be real interesting. Sight in at 300 with 8.4" drop at 400. For whitetails you are on the animal out to 400 with a crosshair is crazy.
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