Sighting in rifle WITH-OUT lead sled

You know you are right about one thing... .

The vast majority of people in this country will never shoot any sort of firearm and that means their kids don't grow up shooting like we did.

Sites like this exist to help those people out who have gotten some interest in hunting and shooting somewhere along the line and insulting them when they come calling is a great way to limit further the ranks of those who will take up our cause and fight for our right to own and bear.

Might want to think about that in the future.gun)

No 'insult' intended....just a matter of plain fact!
It wasnt the power of the gun that caused me to be wacked...ive been shooting shotguns 12/10gage all my life. That includes turkey hunting and deer hunting with scopes. It was the awkward position the crappy holder put me in and the fact that I was using bigger shooting glasses. If I wasnt wearing glasses, the scope wouldnt have even hit me. I was just saying, what positions do you all like...other than a lead sled....what is the best way to keep the reticle(cross hairs) as still as possible....I am not talking breathing control hear...simply put...I am asking what positions do you all use to sight your gun in. I will mostly be standing in a tree or sitting with a gun rest.
SAND BAGS front and back best way i have foundgun)
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