Well-Known Member
Vortex newest optic is entirely American. This thread has gotten ridiculous, aparently the Sig has coolaid power, it is a decent unit but won't perform with the Leica 1600, YET, as there is some awesomeness in the pipe line, Sig is aggressively getting to the right shooters in this market and we'll see that in the future but I know Leica isn't just setting either, we may well be seeing an incredible next couple years for rangefinder tech!!
I don't see why you would say it doesn't perform with the leica, it ranges just as far on soft targets, and does it much faster. And on reflective objects it ranges quite a bit farther.
But I do agree with you on the future in rangefinders, when sig built this, they built the best performing rangefinder per dollar. Is there any other rangefinder on the market that can range essentially anything out to 1000 yards instantly, soft targets to 1400 easily and over 2,000 yards on anything reflective within a couple seconds that can be had for $425, or less from some places? Plain and simple, the answer is no. I really do believe some other companies may copy sign idea of a simple product that does one thing well, and that is range, and sell it for a lower price. But we will see.