I was filming today out at the Vegas Precision Rifle Challenge but brought along my 2400 and passed it around a bit. Everyone commented how fast it was and the guys with 2000's commented that they had to pay more attention to aiming with the new smaller reticle aiming spot.
I was able to range everything on the course of fire handheld except the 1 mile 30x30 inch steel plate that was included in the competition. Even on a tripod neither the 2000, 2400 or G7 would range it despite it being freshly painted black, on a medium sand background and unobstructed. The light was fairly flat and overcast. I tried scan mode but that didn't help. A mile is a long way! (BTW, one of the competitors range that plate four out of four times in a row in about 45 seconds with a 12-17mph wind!)
Doc or anyone, is there a particular mode better suited to the one mile distance?