I had to restrain myself from signing up for that forumn and giving Bill T a piece of my mind.
That guy's basic problem is that he can't do it and to admit to himself that others can would be a serious blow to his fragile male ego. Guys are so predicatable sometimes, it makes me sick.
My wife could outshoot Bill T with her factory 30-06 Mod 70 with a 10x scope, shooting it off a bipod. Using this rifle and my handloads, I shot a 7" group at 500m. The rifle cost under $400 and is so lightweight we had to add a recoil absorder to make it less painful to shoot. So much for Bill T's $3000 heavy bench rifle making up for shooting skill theory.
It really must suck to be so narrow minded and lacking self-respect. He must have very limited expectations if he can't even imagine being able to shoot at distance.
Someone should have taken that guy up on his 200yd .22 rimfire bet. I have killed gophers at that range with a .22 and it is definately easier said than done.
Having gone through all that, about Sierra MK's, I am going to try the Nosler J4 match bullets on deer. They shoot really well in the 30-06 mentioned above and I figure that 168gr of lead and copper ought to do in just about any deer as long as the bullet is placed properly.
A while back Dave King said something to me that I think has a lot of truth to it. He said that all you have to do is poke a hole in a deer's lungs and/or vitals and it is going to die reasonably quickly.
Peter Cronhelm
PS THANK YOU for this forumn where we don't have to listen to the likes of Bill T and his friends.