There is no need to
have to accept any POI change when using the Magneto Speed. As has been pointed out and obviously left unread, there are methods of attaching the Magneto style systems to the fore end of your stock either with a commercial design or a simple DIY design. These designs function as well as and better than the barrel attachment since there is no POI change at all.
And something left untouched in this discussion, David Tubb uses the Magneto Speed attached to his barrel during competitions since this consistency eliminated the potential change in POI by leaving the unit attached. Using this setup, he is able to monitor and keep track of any changes in his ammunition or rifle and ammunition.
I do like my Labradars (yes plural because they do need to go back to the factory on occasion...
) But I also like the Magneto Speed when it's attached to the stock. I sold my chronographs with sky screens years ago, too many failures and a royal PIA.
And like $600 primer seaters and $1800 case trimmers, I will continue to ignore the $940.00 (current conversion from Euros) entry into this market.